PDF Compressor

This tool can come in handy if you'd like to add a PDF to your website but it's too big.  Simply drag the large PDF into the space provided, wait for the compression to complete, and download the new file.

Please note that compressing a large PDF isn't the ideal solution.  In a perfect world, whoever created the PDF would have optimised any logos, images etc for the web before converting the document to a PDF.  This would keep the size of the PDF down.  

So if it was you who created the PDF in the first place, you might like to jump back in to the orginal document and check out the size of any logos or images, optimising any large elements.  

If someone else created the PDF, you might cheekily suggest they optimise images in future to make their PDFs more web friendly.  In the meantime, give the compression tool a go. 

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