When a visitor to your website submits a form using Klixo's Form-to-mail service, a notification email is automatically sent to the website owner or another Klixo user. The data in that form is also automatically saved in the Klixo system for 31 days for you to view at any time.
Occasionally Klixo Support may request that you forward an email "as an attachment". This is so that we can analyse the hidden headers that are contained in the "envelope" of the email to deal with problems like Spam, incorrect subscription details, etc. Follow the details below for forwarding an email as an attachment:
Step by step instructions on how to check your Yahoo!Xtra Spam folder for messages that are not Spam, and how to help prevent email from being moved to the Spam folder.
Note: This article applies to customers who have their email hosted by Klixo.
When using the same settings for your outgoing mail server as your incoming server, connection issues may occur when you change the location of your computer and therefore the ISP (Internet Service provider) you are using to connect to the network.
The following article is a guide to setting up an auto-responder on your email account. These instructions only apply to users hosted on our Unix hosting plans. You may need to confirm these instructions will work for you with Klixo Support.
We took on the Conroy Removals websites initially as website conversions. We ended up not only converting their websites, but adding much more value to the sites.