Publishing Status
Klixo uses sophisticated distributed processing to publish documents to your web server in the quickest time possible, without impacting on the performance of your website or that of the Klixo CMS. The performance of the Klixo publishing servers can vary from time to time so sometimes it is useful to check the Publishing Status to see how the network is performing. This document describes the Klixo Publishing Status Page, and the meanings of the various dashboard items.
"1 hour sample"
By default the report shows statistics from the past hour of processing
Queue Length
The number of jobs waiting to be published (that have not yet started to be published)
Jobs in Progress
The number of jobs that are currently being published
Average Queuing time
The average amount of time that a job spends in the Queue before publishing starts. Our target is for an Average Queuing time of less than 60 seconds.
Successfully published (ALL)
The percentage of queued jobs that were successfully published (jobs that were cancelled before beginning publishing will show as a failure here)
Successfully published (server specific)
The percentage of jobs that were successfully published by this server.
Average Job Time
The average amount of time that it took to publish a job (not including queuing time). Our target is for an Average Job Time of less than 60 seconds.