The Klixo menu system provides a dynamic menuing system based on an xml file for Klixo customers. This includes sub-menus for child pages. kxMenu is built using AJAX methodology, a technology of Web 2.0.
If you wish to implement slideshows on your Klixo website, we have developed a javascript class specifically for this. It is simple to use and works cross-browser.
Add an image to your page providing an ID and an MSIE filter, for example, style="filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Fade(duration=1)". Next add a hidden input for each image in the slideshow. These must all have the same name and the value specifies the name of the image file. Finally, at the appropriate point (usually in body onload) create the slideshow object:
How to quickly and easily create an RSS 1.0 feed using the Klixo content management system and start adding rss feeds to your webpage.
RSS Feeds and Content Syndication
RSS builds on XML to allow you to syndicate content from your web pages via "RSS feeds". An RSS feed contains just the news or content that you wish to syndicate, which allows a third-party to incorporate into their own website, or to view using an "RSS Aggregator" or viewer.
The Klixo CMS allows you to add a Google map to your website in just a few minutes. There are two ways to do this, simple and advanced. Before reading the instructions below, it is important to note that while the Google Map service is currently free, Google reserve the right to add advertising to your map or start charging for it in the future (after giving you some notice). Always read the terms and conditions carefully.
Simple: Save the Google (IFRAME) source code in Klixo
This is great for a quick and easy map on your website. There are some disadvantages though:
This article describes how to upload images, PDFs and other documents from your computer to your web site using the Klixo Upload Manager.
Prepare your documents for uploading
The Upload Manager can upload files up to 4 MB in size, but we recommend that you optimize photos, PDFs and other files to ensure that they are an appropriate size for the web. If you need to upload a very large file, you can use an FTP Client, or email your file to us to upload it for you.