Ensure you have uploaded your PDF into the right folder. You might like to check out our article on using the Upload Manager.
In the Upload Manager, copy the filename of the PDF. You can do this by locating the icon for the PDF you have just uploaded in the Upload Manager. Beneath this icon will be the filename. Highlight this filename and ‘copy’ it.
The Klixo Website Manager allows you do amazing things with your website, but before you can use some of the advanced features you must add your website address and the Klixo Website Manager address to your “Trusted Sites” in Internet Explorer. You will only need to follow this procedure once, but you will need to do it at every PC that you use the Website Manager from.
A description of the APIs (Application Programming Interface) and DOM (Document Object Model) available to web service developers for the programming of email subscription services with the Klixo Web Service.
Now you can use Klixo Manager to manage you mailing lists, adding multiple recipients at once or removing all of your "bouncers" in one swoop, and here is how to it:
Create a text file (notepad) and copy the email addresses for each recipient into it, one on each line.
Then log into the Klixo Website Manager (IE on PC or Firefox on Mac required): http://klixo.net.nz/klixo/
A "hyperlink" is a clickable link that will navigate a user to another page on your website or a page on another website.
The new "Advanced Hyperlink Information" dialog box allows an editor to modify advanced features of a hyperlink in the Basic and Advanced Story Editors.
The Advanced Hyperlink Information dialog box is only available for hyperlinks that have already been created; the story editor will automatically use the simpler "Hyperlink Information" dialog box when a hyperlink is first created.
Google sitemaps is a great new service from Google that allows you to give Google a list of all of the documents on your website, instead of Google having to discover every document through links.
Picasa from Google is a great tool for managing your images. It allows you to sort your images into folders and then export selected images and prepare them for upload to your website.
The team at Flatout Riding needed a website to showcase their new venture providing classic motorcycle tours of New Zealand. Targeting motorcycle enthusiests who want to experience New Zealand's stunning countryside from the seat of a classic Norton Commando MKIII.